

Australian Bush Flowers Adol Essence 30ml

$20.30 $16.83

100 in stock

Australian Bush Flowers

addresses the major issues teenagers commonly experience. It enhances acceptance of self, communication, social skills, harmony in relationships, maturity, emotional stability and optimism. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue.Negative Condition:Feeling of hopelessnessInsensitiveSense of not belongingIt's not FairattitudeEmbarrassme ntRebelliousAngerPositive OutcomeCoping with changeConsideration of communicationSelf Esteem,
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addresses the major issues teenagers commonly experience. It enhances acceptance of self, communication, social skills, harmony in relationships, maturity, emotional stability and optimism. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue.Negative Condition:Feeling of hopelessnessInsensitiveSense of not belongingIt's not FairattitudeEmbarrassme ntRebelliousAngerPositive OutcomeCoping with changeConsideration of communicationSelf Esteem,

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